The Latest . . .
2024 All-State Volleyball Teams Announced

Attention Head Football Coach . . .
The deadline to nominate for your team is Monday, January 6.
Again, please include postseason stats in your season totals. IF YOU HAVE ALREADY FAXED/E-MAILED ME NOMINATIONS, great, put this in File 13 — providing you sent me ENOUGH information. I GOTTA HAVE BASIC STATS. You are limited to SIX nominations (a player nominated at QB and DB counts as two nominations). The all-purpose athlete, punter, place-kicker and kick-returner DO NOT count toward the six.
On offense, we'll select three running backs, two split ends, a tight end, a center, and four offensive linemen. Remember, make sure to list WHAT POSITION YOUR OFFENSIVE LINEMAN PLAYS (G, C, T), if not, I'll place him for you.
On defense, we'll select:
four linemen,
four linebackers
four defensive backs.
Don't forget about:
all-purpose athletes,
punter and
Include ONLY football stats.
You can e-mail me at: robert.cessna@theeagle.com or fax nominations to 979-776-8923.
Please try to avoid calling me if possible, it would be way too much if every coach tried to call. You can contact me via fax or e-mail (I'll confirm e-mails as I go through them). If you are worried about me getting it, fax it AND e-mail. I've found that works out, I'd rather have it twice than not at all. Thanks. I'll work for you if you work for me. If you are still in the playoffs, you can send in nominations this week and update when the season is over — so you don't forget.

Attention Head Volleyball Coach . . .
ASAP when your season concludes, please take a few minutes to nominate players for the Texas Sports Writers Association All-State Volleyball Team.
Players do not have to be seniors.
To nominate, please send information to Jack Stallard, sports editor at the Longview News-Journal: jstallard@news-journal.com
Nominations must include:
Classification of school (1A, 2A, etc)…PLEASE INCLUDE THIS
Position: (Outside hitter, middle blocker, setter, Libero)
Final season stats.
Nominations are due Monday, Dec. 2

2024 All-State Softball Teams Announced

Attention Head Baseball Coach . . .
Please take a few minutes to nominate deserving players from your team for the Texas Sports Writers Association All-State Baseball team. Deadline is June 14, 2024.
Players do not have to be seniors.To nominate, please return the following information to Robert Cessna, The Eagle in College Station - at: robert.cessna@theeagle.com
PLAYER(S): ________________________
CLASSIFICATION OF TEAM: (1A, 2A, etc… please include this) _________________________
POSITION: _________________________
FINAL SEASON STATS: _________________________
(Feel free to include any postseason honors you know about, or if the player has signed or given a verbal pledge to a college).
Note: if a player played more than one position, PLEASE tell me what position you prefer he be considered for. If they played multiple positions, you might want to consider nominating for Utility…ALSO…if the player is an infielder, PLEASE be specific about what position since we select a 1B, 2B, 3B and SS.

Attention Head Softball Coach . . .
The deadline to nominate for your team is Monday, June 10.
When your season is completed, please take a few minutes to nominate deserving players from your team for the Texas Sports Writers Association All-State Softball Team.Players do not have to be seniors.
Deadline to nominate is Monday, June 10 (the week after the state softball tournament).
To nominate, please return the following information to Jack Stallard with the Longview News-Journal. Email: jstallard@news-journal.com
FINAL SEASON STATS: (Feel free to include any postseason honors you know about, or if the kid has signed or given a verbal pledge to a college)
Note: if a kid played more than one position, PLEASE tell me what position you prefer she be considered for. If they played multiple positions, you might want to consider nominating for Utility…
ALSO…if the player is an infielder, PLEASE be specific about what position since we select a 1B, 2B and SS.

2023 All-State Football Teams Announced

2023 All-State Volleyball Teams Announced

2023 All-State Baseball Teams Announced

2023 All-State Softball Teams Announced

Attention Coaches, Parents, Players and Fans! ...
When All-State football and volleyball teams are released and you look for a player that didn't make one of the teams -- please do us a favor before sending an irate E-mail listing all the reasons why your player was deserving to be on one of these teams.
We can't select players if they were never nominated. Coaches and/or sports writers are the only ones who can nominate a player(s). If they are not nominated - our writers can't vote on someone who is not on the ballot. So check with your coach FIRST to see if the player was even nominated.
There is no way a single sports writer, who compiles the ballots, can know every player across the state. Coaches are the life-line in helping us select players. If coaches choose not to participate in submitting their players -- then we can't do anything beyond that.